Talking Face-to-Face & Believing
I realized today that often times, we use Facebook to find out how people are feeling or what is going on their lives. We are socializing over the Internet rather than giving someone a call. Personally, I like to talk to people on the phone. I like to hear people's voices and hear the laughter, especially when I live to far away to see these people. So, I decided today that I will not update my Facebook status until Nov. 1 and maybe not even then. It will be hard for me to do because I like to see what people write in response to my status updates. My friends, I would love to talk to you on the phone sometime. 

Some random things have been floating through my head today and some of that was great things while some of these were said to me. I wrote on pieces of paper these things:
-My dream is not over. It is only beginning.
-I am a good friend.
-I am beautiful.
-I am worthy of being loved.
-I deserve great things.
I taped these sheets of paper on my wall in front of my bed so I wake up to them each morning and go to sleep to them each night. I know these things are true but I don't believe them. This is my attempt to make me believe. I have never felt good enough for anything and sometimes I wonder if that's why crap seems to happen so much. Or maybe it's because I don't believe and have faith in myself. 

I tend to let fear control my life. No wait, I always let fear control my life. Example: I'm seriously into photography and have been wanting to ask this couple if they would help me out with my portfolio. I have been wanting to ask since the beginning of July and it's now the beginning of October. What is wrong with me? It's the fear of being rejected. 

What is something you struggle with?
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1 Response
  1. Jo Brock Says:

    You are all those things! I wish you would believe it! October is going to be fun! I already have the perfect place to go! It has trees, a bridge, and a stream...there is even one part where there are big rocks we can walk out into the middle of the stream! So cute! Just ask the couple...generally, people LOVE helping others and being asked to help!

  • About Me

    My photo
    My passion is in photographing people. I like to talk to my clients and have fun while shooting. I am a Denver-based photographer specializing in couples and engagements.