Friends are so nice to have and can totally warm the soul in a way that family members can not. I do love my family but I'd go completely crazy without the company and support of my friends. A couple of them have seen me and supported me through some tough emotional things. They just have an understanding that my family does not.

In another manner, I have decided I'm not going to post pictures on Facebook anymore. The reason for this is, after talking with other photographers, that people can save the pictures to their harddrive and erase my company name and use the pictures all they want to. I'm a photographer working hard for my money and call me selfish or whatever, but I expect to be paid for my services. I am a company just like Nordstrom and Macy's and people would not begin to steal from them.
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  • About Me

    My photo
    My passion is in photographing people. I like to talk to my clients and have fun while shooting. I am a Denver-based photographer specializing in couples and engagements.