Am I in Canada?
Jessica Norman
The weather has been beyond cold the last 3 days. I've never really dressed appropriately (mainly because it's bearable) for the cold but believe me, I've been wearing layers and I still can't feel my toes or tushie at the end of the night. Yesterday, the temperature never left the single digits and in my job, it was incredibly brutal. I never took off my coat, scarf or ear muffs and even though I was wearing 3 pairs of socks, my toes were still numb. Did I mention that I was also wearing 2 layers of clothes not including the coat?! Today, I think it maybe got to about 10 degrees, however, the sun did come out for a little while this afternoon!! :) We're making progress! You see, Denver rarely has days like this where it is just absolutely freezing with the snow falling all 3 days. You want to know something? It is warmer in Chicago and New York. YAH! That is just wrong. I told a co-worker yesterday that if I wanted to live in an ice cold environment, I would move to Iceland and buy an eskimo suit. Well now that I know how to dress for winter a little more appropriately, maybe I can tolerate going to Chicago and New York during the hard winter months and not freezing.