My parents are officially in gone...for a year! Sunday night when they left, the supervisors gave me coverage at me gate so that I could to their gate and sit with them. It was emotional for me! First thing when I walk in the door at work Sunday morning, I was super excited that they were leaving. As the day progressed, excitment turned to not so excited. I went all the way up to the boarding door with them and then watched them walk down the jetway until they turned the corner...and that is when I started crying. Yes, I cried even though this is a super exciting time for me. I was useless the rest of the night at work and so the supervisors just let me wonder around and told me not to clock out until after 9:00. That was pretty sweet! On the way home though was when I started to have the freak out. I have never had so much responsibility and now I have a house to take care of?! I don't know the slightest thing about taking care of a house. Sometimes I wonder how I manage to take care of myself. I called my friend Lindsey and managed to spill all my insecurities to her. It's just like everything that I have been holding in just all the sudden came out.
This will be a good learning experience for me. Hopefully by the time they come back next year, I will be able to afford a place of my own or at least share something with a roommate.
I cannot wait to see what this year has in store for me. Hopefully a lot of my insecurities will disappear and I will become a stronger more independent person through all of this.