Friends are so nice to have and can totally warm the soul in a way that family members can not. I do love my family but I'd go completely crazy without the company and support of my friends. A couple of them have seen me and supported me through some tough emotional things. They just have an understanding that my family does not.
In another manner, I have decided I'm not going to post pictures on Facebook anymore. The reason for this is, after talking with other photographers, that people can save the pictures to their harddrive and erase my company name and use the pictures all they want to. I'm a photographer working hard for my money and call me selfish or whatever, but I expect to be paid for my services. I am a company just like Nordstrom and Macy's and people would not begin to steal from them.
Hands down...
Jessica Norman
Italian is the sexiest language on the face of this earth!!!
Normal Again
Jessica Norman
I'm breathe normally outside again! The weather has returned to it's normal Colorado cold which is much more bearable than what it was Sun-Tues. I even put on flip-flops today!
I'm ready to kick start my photography. Alas, it will have to wait until next year for classes and more shoots. Praying for the best...
Am I in Canada?
Jessica Norman
The weather has been beyond cold the last 3 days. I've never really dressed appropriately (mainly because it's bearable) for the cold but believe me, I've been wearing layers and I still can't feel my toes or tushie at the end of the night. Yesterday, the temperature never left the single digits and in my job, it was incredibly brutal. I never took off my coat, scarf or ear muffs and even though I was wearing 3 pairs of socks, my toes were still numb. Did I mention that I was also wearing 2 layers of clothes not including the coat?! Today, I think it maybe got to about 10 degrees, however, the sun did come out for a little while this afternoon!! :) We're making progress! You see, Denver rarely has days like this where it is just absolutely freezing with the snow falling all 3 days. You want to know something? It is warmer in Chicago and New York. YAH! That is just wrong. I told a co-worker yesterday that if I wanted to live in an ice cold environment, I would move to Iceland and buy an eskimo suit. Well now that I know how to dress for winter a little more appropriately, maybe I can tolerate going to Chicago and New York during the hard winter months and not freezing.
Now that I've received my "absolutely ineligible for rehire" status, it's time to move on. I'm going to refocus my energy into my photography business. I could care less about becoming a flight attendant if I am getting more photography jobs. I need people to spread the word of my business. Help me get more work. I'm starting a class (or 2) after the new year to help me better understand how to create amazing photos.
Yesterday was the last day I wasted my time upset and crying over InFlight. Based upon what some other people have told me, I wouldn't want to be with the company anyway. It's petty and too many women in control so therefore it's very catty.
While I am still angry and frustrated with that whole situation I spoke of previously, I feel some amazing peace at the same time. The waiting game and not knowing if they would hire me back was about to try drive me absolutely crazy. Now I know the answer and can move on with my life. Talk about some peace...
I got some of the most disheartening news a few days back. I'm not going to say what the news is but it hurt me very much and the situation should have never been lied about. Aside from the news of my friend last month, this is the worst thing that happened to me this year. This whole entire situation was horrible and totally unexpected.