I always say that I'm going to make significant lifestyle changes...and I usually do...for a couple of weeks. And I'm getting tired of always falling off the bandwagon. I want to lose weight (about 25 lbs) but it seems that every time I commit myself to it, I lose 6-7 lbs and then fall off the bandwagon. I'm getting tired of selling myself short. I can do it because I have done it before. But I've always had some type of motivation to do it. First it was going to Europe for a semester (lost nearly 15 lbs that summer). My last semester in college, I gained all that back plus some. The summer after graduating, I went to work for the airlines and the only uniform piece I had didn't fit so I lost about 10 lbs. This summer, I gained 5 during InFlight training and then when I was kicked out, I gained another 8 lbs. This past month (due to mourning and stress), I have lost 6 lbs. Plus, I stopped drinking sodas (yes, I finally quit drinking that stuff). However, this past week has been hard on my emotions and I've been turning to food for my comfort (and I've been really bored). I don't want to turn to food for comfort. I need a support system (not just my parents even though they are great). I think I hide under this weight. What am I hiding from? constant rejection, not feeling good enough, loneliness 

I want to live up to my potential and exceed it. The fear of rejection always takes over. Someone please help me lose the weight, lose the fear and make me understand that I am good enough and more. I'm afraid words won't help in this situation. Actions are more necessary.
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    My passion is in photographing people. I like to talk to my clients and have fun while shooting. I am a Denver-based photographer specializing in couples and engagements.